Take away the Nebulous from your life …

Still waiting for the planets to align to make moves? Let me save you on therapy – they never do for more than an instance if that – now is that the way to govern our affairs ? The volcano is angry thus spews lava on the village consoles the chief to his people. He orders 12 people to be offered up as human sacrifice into the volcano that it will become calm again – but never himself. Does that make sense to you, but to the primitives it did – make the connection.  Become knowledgeable and that which is beyond your account just doesn’t count. This principle is so simple yet practical . If you don’t know ask , find the answers until you reach solution. And this is imposable to reach as vision is relative to means. In other words – the naked eye sees less than a telescope in the night sky a telescope less than a electron microscope and so on ad infintum. Remove that which is beyond your scope and focus on that which you can touch ! SALUTE
– ST

~ by BE LIKE WATER on August 3, 2013.

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